Niougangling Trail

Niougangling Trail is located on Guanyin Mountain.  It is not the most popular trail there but it offers some good views of Linkou, Bali and Danshui.  The trail is easy to find as it is just to the left of the visitor center.  There are several scenic outlook points.  I have been on this trail before but this time the views seemed better, maybe it was the time of year and I could see through the vegetation better.  The trail is good but as you progress in the walk it gets a bit more primitive.

A few notes, the Guanyin Visitor Center is being rebuilt and it looks like it is near completion, see the photo.

Guanyin Mountain seems to be the home of many stray dogs.  On this hike I was standing on a scenic viewing platform all alone.  I took a few photos and when I turned around 5 dogs were standing behind me silent, then they laid down and went to sleep.  On my last trip I was hiking a different trail and dogs took over one shelter barking at anyone who approached like they did not want to be disturbed.  Once I climbed up to the highest summit on Guanyin Mountain and when I got there, there were 14 dogs laying in the grass.

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