Juming Museum

The Juming Museum has some indoor exhibits but most of the sculptures are outside and they are the works of Ju Ming. You can get to the museum on public transportation from Keelung or Dansui by way of the North Coast Shuttle Bus. The bus starts at 9:00 am and the last bus leaves Keelung or Dansui at 4:00 pm. and they run about once an hour. From Dansui it is about a 75 minute ride and from Keelung about a 60 minute ride. The shuttle bus leaves Keelung from the Vistor Information Center and from Dansui at the Dansui MRT bus terminal. The entrance fee to the Museum is $250 NTD. The Museum has a restaurant and I enjoyed the lunch there. I am mentioning that because it looked like the only eating option.

I think that I included enough photos here for you to determine if this is a place that you would want to visit. My gut feeling is that weather will be a major factor in determining whether you have a good experience or not. Since it is mostly outside if the weather is good it should be a very beautiful experience. If it is cold and raining and you are getting cold and wet you may have some regrets.

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