Taiwan Professional Baseball

Taiwan has a Professional Baseball League called the CPBL.  From what I can gather Taiwan has had professional baseball for the past 25 years with changes in the name, league and teams as time went on.  Right now there are only 4 teams.  The teams are located in different areas of Taiwan and usually play their home games in their own geographic area.  The 4 teams are Brother Elephants, Lamingo Monkees, EDA Rinos, Uni-President 7-Eleven Lions.

The Brother Elephants play their games at the Xinzhuang Baseball Stadium.  This is right next to the Xinzhuang Sports Complex that I did a previous blog on.  In that blog I mentioned that you can walk from ground level to the top of the roof.  The photos that I took of the Baseball Stadium are from the roof of Sports Complex next door.  In the photos you can see the park in the day and at night.  You can see the home uniform of the Brother Elephants which is yellow shirt ant pants.  Their away uniform is yellow shirt and black pants.  Notice that the scoreboard is in English so it is easy to follow even if you don’t understand anything else.

I found it difficult to get information in English but you can from this site


That is a link to the schedule and it is in Chinese.  If you scroll down to the bottom right of the page there is an English button that you can click to get  information in English. I could have linked to that page but the Chinese page is important.  At the top of the page you can click on the buttons (in Chinese) to get box scores and so on.  But the nicest feature is the CPBL TV button on the right.  If you click that button you can watch the games live from your computer.029011 012 013

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