Sea Food Market

A sea food market in Taiwan is an exciting place to be. I have never seen anything like it back in the USA Midwest. Fresh is a different concept in Asian than it is in the USA. When I grew up fresh basically meant that the item had not been frozen. Fresh in Asia basically means that it is purchased live and eaten immediately after it has been prepared.

If you want to buy some sea food in the market and eat right away then this is how it is done. You pick out what you want and the clerk will take it out of the tank. They are often wearing big boots and wade in the “pool” to get the live sea food that you selected. Nearby will be food preparation areas. These are basically restaurants without food or menus. You simply bring the food that you just purchased and tell them how you want it prepared and they charge for the preparation.

In this sea food market a woman showed me a blow fish and told me not to worry that it was not poison and that I could eat it and not die. That sent up a red flag so we purchased something different.

Check out the video and photos.








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