Hiking Trail Passport

A Hiking Trail Passport is a booklet that lists a number of trails.  Each trail has a brief description that includes the length, estimated hiking time and a sketch of the trail unfortunately it is not in English.  The only thing in English on my passport is “enjoy Taipei’s natural beauty” and “Hiking Trail Passport”.

My passport has 20 trails listed.  Most of these trails can be found on the Taipei Metro Tourist Map that is available free at Visitor Information Centers and is in English.  If you hike one the trails on the map you may encounter a Stamping Station and wonder what it is.  A stamping station is where you can “stamp” your passport proving that you were there.  In the photos you can see the stamping station, instructions, the stamp, my passport and my passport stamped for that trail.  The idea behind it is to enjoy nature and promote a healthy lifestyle.  My goal is to hike all of the trails listed in my passport, so far I have hiked 15 and have 5 to go.  008 016 017 018 019

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